Self-care is not a luxury. It is a necessity for living a healthy, fulfilling life. With the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, family, and work obligations, many women fail to consider the importance of self-care and how imperative it is to their overall health and even the well-being of others around them. With our hectic schedules and lifestyles, self-care tends to fall by the wayside, creating a detrimental snowball effect that impacts every aspect of our lives.
Over time, the term “self-care” has become synonymous with face masks, bubble baths, manicures, and a glass of wine. While pampering yourself can certainly play a role in a self-care routine, it is also important to dig beneath the surface to improve all aspects of your life, including the relationships with yourself and with others.
When prioritizing true self-care, it is crucial to put more focus on your physical health and begin monitoring what you are putting into your body on a regular basis. Are you drinking plenty of water, or do you drink more soda, coffee, or juice? Do most of your meals come from a package or a take-out restaurant, or are you cooking nutritious meals at home? Many of us tend to eat mindlessly, not paying much attention to the foods we are consuming. The first step is to begin filling up on nutrient-dense meals and snacks, and keeping your body hydrated in order to feel your best.
In addition to hydrating and nourishing your body, be sure you are setting aside time every day to move your body too! We have grown accustomed to a very sedentary lifestyle as most of us work at a desk for 8 hours, and then head home to binge-watch Netflix until it’s time for bed.
While monitoring what you’re putting in your body, be sure to pay attention to what you are putting on your body as well. Many cosmetic products that we use every day contain harmful chemicals that can have a significant impact on how your body functions. Brands such as KhalidaNaturals use all-natural, safe products that provide the results you need without posing a risk to your health.
As the saying goes, “mental health is health”. With such busy, hectic lives, so many of us go through the day on autopilot and don’t make much time to tend to our delicate mental health. Shift your mindset into one of gratitude and setting boundaries with people, events, and circumstances that do not serve your best interest. Learn to say “no” to things that sap your valuable time and energy, and surround yourself with people who bring love and value to your life. Ensure that you are getting plenty of rest and sleep, and set meaningful goals for yourself that will set you in the direction of achieving the life you dream of living.
While on your self-care journey, you will want to learn how to recognize when your stress is rising to detrimental levels. Are you having trouble sleeping? Has your appetite changed? Do you find yourself feeling more moody or withdrawn lately? Learn what your warning signs are and begin to honor them when they arise. These indicators are there to protect you and help you recognize when you are in need of some more intensive self-care practices.
While it may seem tedious or disruptive to your status quo, prioritizing self-care will improve all aspects of your life including your health, mental clarity, relationships, and how you view the world. It is not something that should ever be minimized or neglected.