Subscription FAQ's

How do I become a subscriber?

When placing an order, you must select the "Subscribe" option on the product page.

How is my subscription sent?

Your subscription will be sent Monthly  with UPS. We recommend that the delivery address that you use is where you will most likely be during business hours. 

What happens if I am not at home / not available during the delivery time?

If you are not at home during the delivery time, our delivery instructions are to 'leave in a secure place out of the weather'. However, kindly understand that this is done at the postage worker's discretion - if they believe there is a safe place such as in your letterbox they will leave it there otherwise they will leave a card instructing you to pick it up from the post office.

How do I know where my subscription order is? How do I track my box?

The moment we start processing orders  we will notify you via email with your tracking number.

When will my subscription be sent?

Your subscription will be sent on the same date every 30 days / 60 days / 90 days (depending on what frequency you have chosen).

How can I change my payment method?

You can do so by going to My Account → Manager Subscription → Billing Information.

How do I change my delivery address?

You can change your delivery address in the to My Account → Manager Subscription → Subscription → Edit.

Where is subscription available?

Subscription is available to all countries we currently ship to.


How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time by emailing and requesting a cancellation with an agent or by logging into your subscription account though our email subscription reminders. However, please note that if it is within 48 hours of your next billing date it is too late to cancel your next order. Therefore we will bill and ship your next order but every subsequent order after that will be cancelled. 

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes, you can pause your subscription in the My Account section of our website. Please note: if it is within 48 hours of your next billing date it is too late to pause your next order. Therefore, we will bill and ship your next order but every subsequent order after than will be paused.

Can I schedule the delivery?

No, it is not possible to schedule your delivery. Your order will be shipped on the calendar date that you originally ordered and delivery time may vary month on month.

How do I add more products or change my subscription products?

It is possible to change your subscription products or add more products to your subscription. Go to your Account, “Manager Subscription”.

What is the max number of units I can get in my subscription?

You can add as many units as you would like.

Can I apply a promo code on my subscription?

You can benefit of 15% discount with our subscription. Unfortunately, this cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.